Spring Cleaning Checklist: Harness the Power of Shoup’s Cleaning for a Fresh Start

Springtime feels like a clean slate. It’s a time of rebirth and new beginnings – which is why so many of us make spring cleaning a yearly ritual.

The pros at Shoup’s love this time of year! Cleaning is our passion, so we’re always eager to share our seasoned spring cleaning tips with neighbors and friends.

If you’ve got springtime plans that aren’t focused on scrubbing and mopping, we’ve got you covered. Our experience with residential deep cleaning services can help you plan, organize and complete a thorough spring cleaning checklist in no time!

And if you’d rather leave all the work to us, that’s fine, too! We offer professional housekeeping services that will get your home into tip-top shape while you’re out enjoying the spring weather.

Read on for our insight into the benefits of spring cleaning, a few helpful spring cleaning tips we’ve gleaned over the years and our version of a spring cleaning checklist that highlights often-overlooked spaces to tackle.

Benefits of Spring Cleaning

Perhaps you’re super diligent about keeping up on weekly chores. Maybe your family is just naturally tidy. Or maybe you think a yearly deep clean simply takes too much time and effort.

We get it. But a solid spring cleaning brings lots of benefits to your home and family, like:

  • Ridding your home of dust and dander before allergy season ramps up
  • Clearing away unused clothes and clutter
  • Organizing sports equipment and recreational gear for the summer
  • Adding a sense of clarity and calm to your home
  • Getting a little exercise and boosting your mood

In sum, spring cleaning is your opportunity to go deeper than your typical housekeeping routine – and rediscover the joy and comfort you deserve in your own home!

Spring Cleaning Tips from the Pros

So, what’s the best way to tackle all those spring cleaning jobs? And what, exactly, should go on your spring cleaning checklist?

Take these three steps to make the most of your yearly cleanout day without getting overwhelmed – or overdoing it to the point of exhaustion.

1. Be Realistic About Your Timeframe

How much time can you devote to your spring cleaning efforts? One day? A weekend? Every evening for a month? Once you realize the amount of time you can realistically spend on cleaning, you’ll be better able to decide which jobs to focus on.

Pro tip: Spaces like the attic, basement and garage tend to accumulate the most stuff, so expect them to take longer. Consider devoting a full day to each of those areas or spreading them over a weekend to avoid feeling burned out too quickly.

2. Make a Plan

The few minutes you take to think through your spring cleaning plan is never wasted time. Starting with a plan helps you stay focused on the areas that are really important to you while giving you a clear roadmap to the end goal: time to relax and enjoy your sparkling clean home! Here are a few ideas for planning your spring cleaning:

  • Work top to bottom – aka attic to basement – or vice versa.
  • Start indoors and progress to outdoor spaces, like the garage and storage shed.
  • Begin with the toughest chore – maybe cleaning out all the closets – before moving on to easier tasks, like mopping floors and washing windows.
  • Conversely, start with small tasks to feel a sense of accomplishment and then take on the bigger chores.

Get Help!

Don’t try to do all your spring cleaning on your own! Not only is the process easier with a few helping hands – it’s way more fun! Enlist your family and friends to clean with you, and treat them to a low-key pizza party afterward.

Pro tip: Hiring residential deep cleaning services to take tough jobs off your list, like carpet and upholstery cleaning, allows you to focus on decluttering and reorganizing.

Shoup’s Spring Cleaning Checklist

The whole point of spring cleaning is to go beyond the typical vacuuming, dusting and tidying. You’ll certainly want to mop floors, wipe down walls and get the grime off your appliances, ceiling fans and light fixtures. But our experience with professional cleaning services led us to a specific spring cleaning checklist for getting a deep and lasting spring refresh at home.

Add these jobs to your list of spring cleaning aspirations:

Clean the Carpets

Nothing clears the air at home like professional carpet cleaning services. The pros at Shoup’s Cleaning are certified through the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification, which sets standards for carpet cleaning, so you can be sure we’ll treat all the stains, dirt, microbes and odors in every fiber.

Refresh Area and Oriental Rugs

Rediscover the colors and patterns you fell in love with by using our detail-oriented area and oriental rug cleaning services. Shoup’s rug cleaning professionals know how to treat these often delicate floor coverings and extend your enjoyment of their beauty.

Spiff Up Upholstered Furniture

Everyday activities take a toll on your sofas, loveseats and soft chairs. Whether yours harbor deep-seated stains, lingering odors or general soiling, our upholstery cleaning professionals know how to approach a wide range of furniture fabrics, from microfiber to velvet.

Prolong Mattress Life

You probably don’t think much about cleaning your mattress. And why would you? It’s a difficult job that requires the skills and know-how of Shoup’s Cleaning pros. Mattress cleaning is part of our specialty services that protect your investment in top-quality mattresses and give your family the peace of mind for sweeter dreams.

Dig Into Hard-to-Clean Surfaces

Got stains on your garage floor? Are your tiles looking tired? Is the grout around those tiles a different color than it used to be? Concrete, tile and grout cleaning services definitely need to be part of your spring cleaning checklist!

Contact Shoup’s Cleaning today to get your spring cleaning off to a fabulous start!

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